Day 11

Having bridged the river, we have been met by dozens of ​wolves from the great forest to the south.Young Percival ​was nearly trampled to death in the first waves but forced ​my last journal into a wolf’s jaws before it crushed his neck. ​A foolish thing for an apprentice to do, it’s coming from his ​coffers. Only bits of paper left now. Still… a bit shaken, but ​he lives and together, we will record these days.

… days we fought them, and their number seems to grow by ​the hour. The forge fires do naught but glisten in their ​fangs. And the howling. The howling is draining us. I am ​not sure there is much left to wring out.

… more of my pages are now ruined, soaked in blood … we ​cannot seem to escape them.

… silence. The howling has stopped. Is that a distant ​whimpering I hear? Others are reporting the host retreated ​further south and they wish to pursue them and cut off the ​head before it can strike again. A wolf always strikes again.

… the forges have been rekindled and new spears have been ​assembled. Some of us have decided it best to stay behind ​and build the defenses. I told Percival he needed to stay ​and help build a place for us to gather our thoughts. I have ​joined the rest in pursuit of the host.

Half a day’s journey south, through deep, thick woods, we ​have finally reached a stark line where the trees have ​stopped. We found some ruins and in a box under the floor ​boards, an intact journal. Its pages are blank so I will fill ​them up.

A wasteland has opened before us. Was there a plague ​here? The trees are all dead, is it still in the air? The trail ​has been picked up, and its winding through the hills further ​south.A deep fog seems to be stalking us. I am not sure ​when, but the howls have returned. No… no they are less ​feral and more haunting. More like the moans of a dying ​man. Wulfgar says he’s seen smokey shapes in the edges of ​his vision. Sometimes it is just a tree, but other times we ​all see it. As if someone else is out here, and they simply ​vanish.

Finally. We have arrived at the mouth of a great cave, and the ​trail leads further in. Only deafening fog and the sound of ​breathing. We stink as much as they do, so they don’t seem to ​know we have come. My writings may be less frequent now, we ​go to finish this.

It appears that as we humans have started to reclaim the barren ​lands, the wolves have been forced to retreat to the dens in the ​mountains. A smaller pack was here than we left at the water’s ​edge. These dens are not entirely of natural make as well. ​Somebody, or something, has dwelled here many years past.It ​seems they built a temple and that perhaps the priests that ​served at it lived within the carved homes in the earthen walls ​of the nearby passageways. Perhaps the plague that seems to ​have gripped the land above took them all. Maybe it was ​natural causes. One thing is for sure. They are all dead, and ​only we and the wolves stalk these shadows now.



Named Monsters:

Known Drops: