Hand Drawn Quill and Ink Bottle

Player: Valkyre

Player: Valkyre

Clan: Sundown

Clan: Sundown

Server: Cernunnos

Server: Cernunnos

Software used for cartography:

A son, a father, a friend, a brother. Since ​my early days of gaming I have wanted ​to make an impact on the gaming world. ​Dreamed like many of you, of truly ​making an impact in a digital world. ​Herein lies my attempt at doing so.

Dedicated to my brother Drynn, that we ​would have adventured together until ​the end of gaming.

If you see the John 3:16 markings on my maps, stay a while and listen:

John 3:16 : For God so Loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not ​perish, but have everlasting life.